The Juggernaut Way: Chapter 3     

Naa Naa
1998 - 1999

The Juggernauts win the Chief Delphi Invitational.

Juggernauts are finalists at the Gread Lakes Regional in Ypsilanti, Michigan allied with Team #5.


Finishing Firstwith allies Aces High and Team 48, Team Elite.

3-D celebrates the team’s success by throwing a banquet at which team members received championship rings, shirts and hats.

Matt Kelly, 1999 Team Captain, gives an inspiring speech at the MTA graduation ceremony about his experience in FIRST.

The Pontiac School Board honors Team #1 on their accomplishments.

Juggernauts win the West Michigan Invitational, loaning out their 2nd string Human Player, Chris McKenzie to Team # 5 so they can compete.  Competed against Team #5 in the Finals.
Robot Science & Technology Magazine publishes an article about our winning robot, our team and alliance partners spreading the word of FIRST.
Competed in the Rumble at the Rock Competition in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
3-D provides summer internships for students in the MTA.
Doug Peterson, President of 3-D, arranges for the Juggernauts to meet than Governor, John Engler and introduce him to FIRST.
A physics teacher, Mike McIntyre, former member of the Chief Delphi Team, is hired as MTA Coordinator and becomes a member of Team #1
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